Sharing: Protecting passwords.
We need to take out the checkmarks that says Remember me. Passwords need to be difficult to guess. Not a pattern. Needs to be changed at least once a year. What makes passwords difficult to guess? Upper and Lower case. Characters based on a phrase. Substitute numbers for letters. Long passwords.
Passwords should have numbers and letters. No words, the programs to break passwords start with dictionaries on several languages.
There's always free cheese on a mousetrap.
Don't tell anyone your age.
If they trying to sell you something, go to the website directly, don't just click on the link. Could be a fake site.
You can click on the padlock and see information about who is securing the information.
On the top of the address the http change to https that is a different protocol. (Secure).
Think they know more about computing than parents.
Tend to share things they find
Tend to seek guidence from peers
Unable to press a "safe" emergency button. good lessons about passwords.
Develop a good judgment.
Como buscar en el Internet y Tener Fluidez
12 years ago