Thursday, July 22, 2004

Global Base Learning

Mark Standley presenter
Is international collaboration, global communication, global thinking, and cultural sensitivity.
Top reasons for GPBL
Cultural awareness, cultural understanding, students learn how to work in projects, develop good relationships, think global, act local, develop life-long learners, global community service.
Web buddies.
Send a stuff animal to a school in other country to have adventures, let children in the other school to write about the adventures they are taking the animal, then return the animal to the original school with the journal they wrote in the other country.
Art/music Festivals.
Research/ Science Projects
Camps with children around the world and work on global projects. 

More sessions

Youth Projects:
For 3rd grade up they can use this resources to get in touch with other students over the world.
The global schoolhouse, iearn,  global teenager project, entrepreneurial adventure.
To see how a page look before:
To see how much they are paying for a word:
Leaders need to have great expectations. All curriculum need to be on the web. When we do changes is necessary to ask these 3 questions:
Are we getting more information?
Are we expanding the boundaries of human collaboration?
Are we empowering the people?
Teachers needs more information to do their jobs.
We need to change the way we teach. The children need to be more involved on their own learning.
Building Online Communities:
This is a website that can be used to create lessons and save it online for used later.
What is an Online Educational Environment?
Is an extension of the classroom. Is a stretch of an educational environment.
Advantages of having on line:
Anytime/anywhere learning
Supports Constructivism
Self-directed learning
Multi-modal communication
Easy access to resources
Web based activities
ARC Activities, Resources and, communication.
Is a lesson that has one or more activities where you use resources (web sites, power point presentations or something similar) and after do the activity they need to write something on a message board and answer the activity.
You can use the website
Skills for lifelong learners:
Analyze information
Self directed

Getting and Assessing 21st Century Knowledge

The SCANS report shows the skills need it for find a job
You can see the info in the next website.

Workers needs to know who to work in:
Projects, projects, projects. Teamwork and collaboration.
Interpersonal skills and networking
Project management leadership
No one ask about your formal education.
21st century knowledge and skills. Is a website that contains info about what the children need to know.

Skills and Knowledge Needed by the 21st Century Worker
Understands a variety of reading materials
Independently reads to learn
Relates reading to other information in experiences
Writes in a clear, concise, meaningful way
Uses appropriate details, descriptions, grammar and spelling
Follows a logical order
Chooses the appropriate format
Shows an ability to correctly solve and explain problems
Produces solutions and shows logical conclusions
Uses appropriate methods and accurate computations
Verifies and interprets results
Social Studies
Understands the rolls and responsibilities in home, workplace and community
Shows a knowledge of and appreciation for other people, history and geography
Consistently processes information concerning current events
Understands and uses appropriate scientific ideas and facts
Uses a variety of scientific tools and methods to explore new concepts and situations
Understands the role of science in the world
Fine Arts
Shows creativity
Understands the elements of art and how culture / history influence the arts
Elaborates and explains personal impressions of art
Has been exposed to a variety of artistic mediums
Listening and Speaking
Regularly listens and understands what is said
Answers questions using appropriate language
Speaks clearly to communicate effectively
Makes positive personal health decisions
Handles feelings appropriately
Works and plays safely
Understands the benefits of good nutrition and physical activity
Social development
Cocurricular activities:
National organizations
Athletic teams
Academic teams
Class competitions
Learning how to learn. Now how to use these new tools, like blogging.
The children need to know what they need to know, they need to be able to know which skills they have learned and what do they still need to learn.
Learning environment should be in and out the school.
Strategies that make the difference.
Engagement, Hands-on, Adult connection, Internships, Real World immersion.
The children need to be involved in projects. Kids need to learn about a theme, then they need to investigate and learn by themselves and do a final product and present to their class and other classes. Spend more time on Projects than on regular classes just listening a teacher.
This is a cool school that is preparing children for the 21st Century. 


Wednesday, July 21, 2004


After the Industrial revolution how we are on the Information Revolution.
The children need to experiment, not fear to get it wrong, persistent, team workers.
We need to teach the children they are the ones that need to learn, they need to move, search, investigate.
Giving them worksheets will make them dependent of the teachers, they need to be independent learners.
Technology allows us to create new architectural designs in our classrooms.
They need to learn the tools of contrustivism.
Internet, handhelds, movie makers. They need to be able to do a final product.


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Safety on the Internet

Sharing: Protecting passwords.
We need to take out the checkmarks that says Remember me. Passwords need to be difficult to guess. Not a pattern. Needs to be changed at least once a year. What makes passwords difficult to guess? Upper and Lower case. Characters based on a phrase. Substitute numbers for letters. Long passwords.
Passwords should have numbers and letters. No words, the programs to break passwords start with dictionaries on several languages.
There's always free cheese on a mousetrap.
Don't tell anyone your age.
If they trying to sell you something, go to the website directly, don't just click on the link. Could be a fake site.
You can click on the padlock and see information about who is securing the information.
On the top of the address the http change to https that is a different protocol. (Secure).
Think they know more about computing than parents.
Tend to share things they find
Tend to seek guidence from peers
Unable to press a "safe" emergency button. good lessons about passwords.
Develop a good judgment.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Maria Amparo Cigala

I had love computers since I had 7 years old. I received on Christmas a "computer" you pass punched cards with questions and the computers told you the answer. I played days and days with it, until I learned all the answers and they way it worked.
I studied a career on Information Administration and worked on business beginning as a computer´s programer and then analyst up to be IT consultant.
Here is a video of my first computer.

I came to USA interested on working on technology on education. It cost me 8 years as a Bilingual teacher to be able to have a technology position. Now I am the technology teacher on my campus, an elementary campus with 467 students. I have a full time schedule 3 days a week and half days two days. On the time I don´t have children in my lab I help teachers to integrate technology and fix their computers. Write grants, maintain the school web page.
The most of the teachers in my school use the computers. Someones only for email someones do Power Point presentations, and others make lessons through the computer.
One of my concerns are: 1) Who can help them to integrate better the technology? I don´t have time. 2) For the 2 or 3 that only check their email on the computer, when can I sit with them and give them ideas?
After school I have a computer´s club for children and late on the evening I have classes for parents using computers and Microsoft Office.
I understand why the Educational Technology department despaired, but now we need support in every campus and the principal´s are not willing to pay for it. We need hardware support on campus, and now we have a person for 17 schools.